Aikidoklubil Agatsu on hea meel teatada, et 2. jaanuarist alustame uue aikido algkursusega. Kõik kes pole endas veel kindlad mida nad tahaksid uuel aastal teha/korda saata siis aikido on just see kus võiksid ennast realiseerida. Vanus, sugu, nahavärv, usuline kuuluvus ega eelnevate võitluskunstide taust pole määrav. Tule pane ennast proovile ja kohtume tatamil juba 2. jaanuaril!
Esimene treening on TASUTA!
Aikidoklubil Agatsu is pleased to announce that from 2nd of January we start a new Aikido class for beginners. For all of those who are not yet sure what they would like to do / accomplish in on the coming year, aikido is exactly where you could realise yourselves. Age, gender, skin colour, religious affiliations or previous martial arts backgrounds are not decisive. Come and put yourself to the test and see you on the tatami on 2nd of January!
First training is FREE!